Monday, March 06, 2006

Because it's my Blog, and I can.

So, I went to McDonalds this morning and go myself a Bacon Egg McMuffin for breakfast. (Yum)
And, in doing so, rec'd a free Newspaper.. can't remember which one.. the Sun, maybe the Star?
I don't really care, I rarely even read the News, watch the News, or have anything to do with News in general. But today, Laura (my walking partner at breaks), is forced to work through her lunch and so, I remained at my desk with nothing better to do but read some articles.

In doing so, I came across two that caught my eye;

First was titled 'Save the gun registry' and you may ask yourself 'Becca, you aren't into guns - so what the Hell do you care?' Well, the word 'gun' and 'registry' reminded me of Dan so I took a look. Apparently, Stephen Harper is wanting to waive re-registering shotguns and rifles ($60 charge)? What the Hell for was my only question. Seriously, isn't it important to KNOW who owns guns, what type of guns, etc? I hardly think having to re-register a gun every 5 years for a small fee of $60 is all that difficult or that large of a problem that it needs to be addressed? Lets face facts people (ahem, Dan) guns are weapons. They are used for target practice, hunting, and on many (I'm not sure how many people die per week by gun related violence.. but I'll take a shot in the dark that it's pretty damn high.) occasions shooting other humans. (Just what I've heard, you'll have to correct me if I'm wrong here.. ~winks~) So why, OH WHY, would you what to STOP keeping track of them? Or was it just the $60 fee that bothered Harper? Since when was shit free? You own a car, you pay to own it, you own land, you pay, you own anything and you pay for it.. so why not guns? Who else is supposed to pay to have a registry for them? The people who DON'T own guns? Perhaps you'd like to up taxes to cover the loss of the $90 million dollars the re-registering brings in?

Alright, alright, I'm done ranting on that topic. Next, we have a topic on 'End seal hunt sooner than later'. Now, this one might get me into a bit of trouble, and perhaps I should research it more before I form an opinion.. but.. just a quick comment perhaps? Don't jump down my throat and cry about how horrible the poor fluffy seal will be taking the killing.. but.. I don't understand the HUGE anger towards this. (Hides, incase someone beats her with a club for even saying that.) Wait wait, seriously now. What's the difference between hunting a seal, compared to lets say... slaughtering a cow? Or a pig? Chicken? Deer? Emu? Fish? Snake? Whale? Rabbit (They are cute and fluffy too..) Etc... etc.... I just don't understand... now. If lets say you're against ALL killings of animals.. and you don't eat meat.. then I will be more than happy to listen to what you have to say since you make it a rule in your every day life. I just don't get how someone can argue how cruel it is to club a seal (Sure it's sad! You're killing something to eat it!) when they are shoving their face with a burger lets say.. you think that cow was happy to die?? Well, do ya? So, I'm not saying it's wrong, or right, I'm just saying... I don't understand the arguements. The seal hunt has been going on for like.. ever.. it's a tradition.. not that that helps make it right or wrong, but I think you need a better arguement than 'seals are cute and fuzzy.. don't hit them with clubs! It makes me sad.' Would you feel better if they shot them in the head maybe.. just a real quick one second death? Dunno.. just a question.

Ok, now I'm gunna shut up. Back to work I go.. I'm sure to never hear the end of this one.. heh.


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