Sunday, March 12, 2006

Weight Watchers - Why not?

So, I don't know why I'm making a post, but I thought I should maybe throw on an update.
So.. to perhaps be a little more personal then I was planning to on here, I've decided to talk about myself, and the fact that I'm on this little adventure of trying to loose some weight. So.. many... many people have where I am, so this in no way makes me special - BUT, still, I thought I'd share my little comments and such here and there.

So, I've come to a point in my life that perhaps I am actually ready to loose the pounds.
I'm not sure what makes this time different then any time that came before.. but.. I think it is.
Or rather, I feel that it is.
So, I've decided to take one day at a time, try to keep somewhat focused and really start giving a damn about me, and where I'm going in my life. ~Smiles~ That said, you may be wondering what my plans are? My sister has done WeightWatchers before - and Although she decided not to stick with it for a long period of time, I did have the chance to look at some of the material and thought - hey, this isn't that difficult. I've done the group meetings a long time ago, and another place where you had to go into the facility and such - and it just didn't work for me. Having to weigh in really doesn't motivate me. So, I've decided to do it alone.

What's nice about the... program or whatever you'd like to call it, is it isn't a diet - it's eating right, eating better. I can have whatever I want - as long as I stay within the target point range. I'm trying to keep it simple, so I'm not really using the flex points for the week, or going crazy about over calculating things - I don't want to make it so I'm so anal that I hate doing it. Pretty much, I'm eating smaller portions, cooking more so I can have more healthier food instead of less crappy food. I'm kinda using the WW guide as the bones of the plan, and then throwing my own little twist in - I can do whatever I want, and all I ask of mysef is to give it a try. It hasn't been that hard, I mean, sure, I'm still having those cravings to like.. eat way too much... but I'm catching them now.. you see? Where as before, it wasn't until I was very full that I stopped eating. It's odd, how you notice your own habits.

Anyway, here's hoping that I continue moving forward with this.. I'll post from time to time on it. I also went out and bought the WW new Cookbook that had fantastic ideas in it. I've tried the Oven Fries - which were really good. I've also made the Turkey Meatloaf - which was way better then I even expected. The Bacon and Corn chowder wasn't bad, I've never had chowder before, so that was a first. And I also tried the Mac N Cheese - which I hated. But I don't really like Kraft Dinner anyway.. so....

Ok, I'm shutting up now!



M-M-M-Mishy said...

Good luck Becca! I'm all about a diet that isn't really a diet. And one that isn't promoted by Kristy Alley.

"You can have Fettichini!!!! I'm not cheating! Ask Jenny!!!!!"


digitalGoobie said...

.... ~laughs, pets you~ Want me to beat her up for you?

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Eh... I wouldn't ask you to. Apparently she's a scientologist, and as we all know from watching Tom Cruise, they can be rather unstable.

Just kidding all you scientologists. I'm sure the majority of you are all very... not crazy?

NewsCat said...

I totally understand the impulse. I've been on WW for 9 weeks now and it's like the first time in years I've made any real attempt to lose weight. And it's been working really well. I honestly blame my friend who joined first and then dragged me kicking and screaming into it. It's like having the tiniest bit of social pressure (that's NOT from my family) has finally motivated me beyond my wildest dreams. But blogging about it helps as well.