Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Back on track.

So, it's Tuesday and I'm back on track with the Weight Watchers crap.
Used up 24 points yesterday (I'm aiming for no higher than 27 pnts/day) so that was pretty good - kinda makes up for the way too high 38 I scored the day before. ~Hangs head in shame~ BUT, I'm letting that day go. (Seriously, I am.) So, today is day two of being back on track.

Tonight I'm going out with Lori for our regular Tuesday night dinner, not sure where we're going but I have enough points to go out at least. Kelseys or Swiss Chalet would probably be my choice, just because I can pick something to eat there. Maybe I'll aime for Swiss - just cause it's easier to count and plus it's affordable and yummy. I really wish they would keep their creamy chicken soup all year though - I miss it.

So, onto other things. I created a Monkey last night in Photoshop.. and it looks.. stupid. ~laughs~ Yet, I'm pretty sure I'm going to post it on my website Funny Page - cause well, I need a new title bar there and I want to! (www.digitalgoobie.com/funny.htm) As you can see, the page needs an update - I really REALLY need a new joke for it, but haven't come across one in a long time that made me laugh.. so, I'm stumped.

Anyway, I think I'm going to run across the street and pick myself up a Tim's tea.. mmm.
Oh, and I wanted to make a quick post that Dan is so damn cute/hot/funny.. but shh.. don't tell him that - I'm pretending that I don't love him at all. ~winks~

Oh wait! One more thing before I go - I just wanted to say that Mishy did a 101 things to do in 1001 days list on her Blog, and I MIGHT be doing one myself - though... I'm not so sure. I mean, that's a lot of pressure!! ~Grins~



M-M-M-Mishy said...

Mishy's Bonus Mission:

#102 - Talk Becca into making a 101 in 1001 list. :)

Do it. Cave to the peer pressure. All the cool kids are doing it.

M-M-M-Mishy said...

P.S. - Love the monkey. Very cute!

Living to Feel Good said...

Love the monkeys! When I was a little girl I begged my mom to buy me this small stuffed monkey, and she said if I got good grades she would buy it for me. Well I worked real hard to get good grades, and that monkey was mine. I always have a soft spot for monkeys. Dorky me. About WW points..that's the great thing about WW, we can have a day where the points are high to our expectations, but they next day we can start over and try harder to stick to the points. That's why I love WW so much!
Nice blog!

digitalGoobie said...

Aw, thanks for the post chicka - you never left your name, so I'm just gunna call you that. ~laughs~

Yeah, that's the nice thing about WW, you don't have to beat yourself up over crap like that. Today's another day sorta thing.

Mishy>> Aw, I'm glad you liked Blush da Monkey, I wasn't sure if it was like.. horrible.. or at least horrible/cute. So I posted it anyway. I'm not so sure about this list thing still.. I think it might stress me out! ~Laughs~ I'll think about it, how's that?