Monday, April 10, 2006

Monday Morning.

Another week, another day at work. Oh, can you feel the joy.
I'm not sure what my problem is this morning, but going to work is the last thing on my to-do list, I seem to be carrying around this horribly negative mood at the moment, feeling very down about myself, about life, about everything. Dan and I are trying to plan meeting eachother for the first time next month, and all weekend I was good with it (as good as can be expected) and then suddenly this morning I'm back to freaking out about it. I sound depressing, I know, and if someone was here maybe they'd kick me.. then again, I'm not really showing it all that much IRL, I'm pretty good at just hanging low so no one notices. Meeting tonight with my Mortgage guy from RBC. Here's hoping he has some good news for me. Alright, off to work.


Food List:
WW Bread (2) - 1 pnt.
Butter - 1pnt.
Mini Eggs (10) - 3pnts.
Orange - 1pnt.
Harvey's Veggie Burger - 7pnts.
M&M Stuffed Chicken - 7pnts.
Potato - 4pnts.
Broc - 0pnts.
Butter - 2pnt.
Sweet Pita - 4pnts.

28/28 pnts used.
2/3 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.

1 comment:

Lori said...

You know, sometimes work is too over rated, because basically you are giving part of your life to someone elses dream (business success). Not sure where you work, but I feel this way all the time. It just isnt my priority, and I usually just do enough to get by and collect a paycheck. My real priorities are my friends, loved ones, and experiences, not holding down a desk all day. Ugh!

On another note, why are you nervous, exactly,about meeting your (boy)friend?