Thursday, April 27, 2006

Stressful Thursday.

So, here's the deal.
I get a call from Katherine re: the upgrades yesterday. She informs me that my appointment is on May 16th @12:15pm. I'm like 'Oh, so I guess I don't get to pick my appointment day..' and she goes 'No, it's assigned to you based on the date you purchased. ' Fine. I'm a little concerned, now I have to take the day off, drive to Cambridge, and meet with this woman - I then decide to ask 'So, when do I have to make the final decisions re: the upgrades?' she replies with 'Within the two hour appointment.' I'm like.. WHAT?! how the HELL am I supposed to have my FIRST look at these upgrades and the costs and decide right then and there what I can afford, what I want and everything?! Who does that?! So irritated, not only by the fact that it took her so long to get back to me (apparently she was in a car accident) but also because of all this news I say.. "Alright, how do you pay for the upgrades?" Well, apparently you can pay her ON the day for the upgrades, or you might have like.. a two week window, she wasn't sure. Are ya kiddin me?!!!! Now I'm seriously pissed off, and go, I've been asking about these upgrades all along, it's kinda hard to decide everything in a two hour period without being able to even KNOW what the options are before the meeting - will there be any way to see, read about, view costs... something.. of the upgrades BEFORE the meeting? To which she replies 'Well, I might. If enough people ask for it, I might decide to gather something together so people can come in before their appointments to see the upgrades, but as of right now, there isn't anything. I'll write down that you'd like to though. I'm taking next week off because of the accident last week, and then I guess I'll see how it feels - because that's the most important thing. ~giggle~" To which I reply with dead silence for several seconds and finally say.. "Will it be open on weekends to view if you do find the time to put it together?" Well, apparently that also depends on if other people request a weekend... .. can I fucking have the numbers of the other people so I can give them the heads up so I can avoid taking ANOTHER vacation day from work and driving up to Cambridge IF she decides to do this?!!! Clearly, I'm irritated. Is it just me, or is this insane to ask someone to do this? Sure, I have an extra $10,000 for unknown upgrades laying around. I've been begging for more information on everything since the day I signed the forms for this condo.. this is just bullshit in my view.

Sorry for the rant, but it's thrown me into a full blown panic about everything. I mean, how the Hell am I supposed to swing all these upgrades, the new car and the freakin condo? I'm not sure anymore.. I'm just feeling a little dumped on with all this information - and her lack of prep is driving me mental. It wouldn't be so bad if I could see and read about the upgrades BEFORE my meeting with her, I'd have it planned out then before hand and not go into it blind.

Anyway, I'm going to get going.. I think I might walk over to Tims for a tea or something. Hope you are all having a good day.

Oh, and for those of you who are interested, (mainly Suz I think, heh) I've taken your advice (Suz) and created a Blog for Luca (My RP Character) while Christian is in Torpor (and while you move to Cali.) Hope the move is going alright chicka, miss you!

P.S. Sarah > How're the new kitties behaving?

Food List:
Banana - 2pnts.
Turkey Burger - 5pnts.
WW Bread (2) - 1pnt.
Butter - 1pnt.
BBQ Crunchers - 1pnt.
Tims Tea - 1pnt.
Chicken Sandwich - 9pnts.
Chalet Sauce - 1pnt.
Soup - 2pnts.
Mayo - 2pnts.
Crunchers - 4pnts.
Popcicle - 1pnt.

28 / 28 pnts used.
2 / 3 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.


Crystal said...

Curious, where in Canada do you live??

Anne said...

Hey! We are going through the whole upgrade thing right now. Email me, you don't have to pay for them all at once, you can roll them into the mortgage.

digitalGoobie said...

Near Toronto area, not sure how familiar you are with it?

I'll be moving to Cambridge though in the Fall - assuming I still can afford it by then! ~whimper~

Crystal said...

I asked because of you mentioning Cambridge, I live about 20 minutes south of Cambridge in Woodstock! I'm always down in Cambridge shopping at their box mall :)

Anonymous said...

Well at least you go to relax a little with me at dinner! I hope I made you feel a little better =/


From you fav person!

Living to Feel Good said...

Hey Becca...wish I could comment on the upgrade thing, but I have to be honest..I'm confused. This may sound totally stupid but is that a canadian thing? Sorry. :( I feel bad for not getting what you are talking about.

The kittens are good. Eating alot and taking tons of little (and I mean little) turds. :) They are just adorable. Thanks for asking. :)

digitalGoobie said...

I'm not sure if it's a Canadian thing? The upgrades are for the condo that I bought, it's in the middle of being built and now I have to decide on what upgrades I'd like to purchase. (eg: colours, flooring, appliances, etc.)They put in 'standard' everything, and then if you want to customize or just get something better than the crap they put in you have to pay to upgrade it.

Does that make more sense?

I'm glad the kitties are good. Hope you have a good day with them chicka. ~huggles~