Monday, May 15, 2006

How could they....

Why does it have to be like that... hm?
Apparently there is no fucking happy ending.
Apparently, being a great, decent guy just gets you dead.
Jerk writers.. jerk show... stupidly wonderful men....


Crystal said...

I creid so much :(

digitalGoobie said...

Me too.. lotsa.... stupid show. ~grumbles~

Krista said...

It sucked big time. His was the best male character on the show. So who do you think Meredith should choose?

M-M-M-Mishy said...

I just can't believe that I have to like Alex now. Damn!

Living to Feel Good said...

UGH!!! I HATE HATE HATE that they killed Denny!!! I totally choked up when he did die. Awful awful awful!!

I think meredith should chose the vet. He's a nice guy who really cares about her and wants to, and the other guy (mind is going blank on the name) had his chance and he chose his wife. AND who says he wouldn't end up cheating on meredith too. Don't get me wrong I like his character, but there is no way I'd pick him. And yes I know there is tension and chemistry between them, but she needs to move on and the vet is a great guy to move on with.

Now why did they have to kill denny?!!!!
I watched 5 hours of GA yesterday! I was a little behind, but thank gawd for tivo. I was up to date in time for the finale.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.