Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Forgot a title - Oops.

Another good one from Pearls Before Swine - wow, two in a row! Heh.

Anyway, morning everyone. I have today off and boy oh boy do I need it. I'm not in the best of moods right now, frankly, I'm down right pissed off. Whatever, if Matt's reading this.. which I highly doubt it since he doesn't find time to do such things - thanks for the morning chat, it was just so fucking fantastic to start out the day on a high note - yipee. Clearly, I'm very irritated right now, and perhaps later when I return to my Blog I will read this post and feel a tiny twang of guilt for writing such things in here.. but at this very moment - don't much care. So bite me little voice tellin me this shit is wrong.

Moving on. Nothing to write, I'm going to get ready.


Food List:
WW Bread with butter - 1pnt.
Vanilla Bean Lite Coffee thingy - 4pnts.
1/2 Honey Mustard Chicken Sandwich - 6pnts.
1/2 Plate of Fries - 5pnts.
Basil Mayo Dip - 1pnt.
Other 1/2 Honey Mustard Chicken Sandwich - 6pnts.
Yogurt - 3pnts.

26 / 28 pnts used.
0 / 1 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.

1 comment:

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Oh no! Sorry you're having a crummy day. Call me if you want to chat, ok?