Thursday, June 22, 2006

Ouchy, bouncy balls hurt!

So I purchased one of those large exercise balls yesterday and did about 30 minutes of working out and a lot of sitting, laying and playing on it yesterday. My ass hurts! My one arm hurts.. heh. I couldn't believe how difficult some of the moves on the DVD were.. and how much of a workout it actually was - it was kinda fun. Hopefully I'll be motivated enough to do it.

Spent the day with my mom yesterday, not the entire day so I can't check off that on my list. But I bought two pairs of shoes that I might wear to Lori's wedding. Either way, now I have to get my ass in gear and actually make my appointment for the dress fitting. We had a good day together, my piss ass mood faded away shortly after we left the house - so that was good. We also stopped at a lane swimming pool to check if they were open to the public, how much and when someone could go. So I'm thinking, if I can seriously muster up enough motivation I might try to get back into swimming. I used to be on a swim team (a very, very long time ago) and loved it. I love swimming, I used to be good at it.. I don't know what it'll be like to swim the laps on my own... but I'd be willing to give it a try. I don't want to do exercise that's going to eventually hurt my joints or something.. so I'd like to take it slow and swimming is low impact. So, I really think I should go that route... just have to make myself go to the place now... heh.

Still haven't weighed myself this week, I'm curious to know where the little needle is going to fall - the last time I checked I was up about 2 pounds because of the weekend I spent at the cottage - here's hoping at least that's gone and I'm breaking even. We'll see on Monday - I'm determined to just put it off until then. Concentrate on keeping within pnts - which I've been doing pretty good this week. It's Thursday.. one more day to go and then I'm on the weekend.. common weekend! Heh. Anyway, I'm going to go do my internet rounds now before I finish getting ready for work - have a good day all.

12:15pm Update:
Ok, I just made a trip to A&P to pick up a few things and finally they had the veggie tray thing I wanted. So I bought that. Of course they didn't have one that was mixed with Pumpernickle bread - so I bought it myself. Now I have a huge loaf of it - enough to make a few servings - unless people at home eat it all up. heh. I also, as I stood in line, happened to see a magazine with a yummy picture of Johnny Depp on the cover (Newsweek) OMG he is delicious!! I love him, I can't wait to see the next pirates movie. Heh. Fantastic. Anyway, not much more to update on. I'm kinda sleepy cause it's HOT outside, walking over was a chore, lemme tell ya!


Food List:
Banana - 2pnts.
Apple - 1pnt.
Chocolate - 2pnts.
Veggie Tray with Dip - 4pnts.
Pumpernickle - 4pnts.
Crunchers - 1pnt.
Tea - 1pnt.
Taco Chicken Wrap - 10pnts.

25 / 28 pnts used.
0 / 3 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.


Crystal said...

We found out about he hoax because two girls that were going to the funeral or sending flowers called the funeral home and found out there was no such person.

The Relentless Reader said...

My eldest daughter has one of those big exercise balls in her room. I might have to go steal it and give it a go. It sounds like actual fun, not like a terrible exercise ;)

Good luck on Monday!

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Apparently those exercise balls are great for your posture. I know people who don't sit in regular office chairs, but have replaced them with those. They force you to sit up straight and it builds your back muscles.

Its almost the weekend!