Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I hate shoe shopping!

I have no idea what makes me hate shoe shopping so much - prolly cause I can never find good shoes that I love that fit. It's such a freakin pain in my ass to go shopping for shoes that I put it off as long as possible every time. I'm a running shoe girl, all the freakin way. They are way easier to find then heels or any type of dress shoe. Forget even looking for shoes to wear for work that are comfy.. pain in my ass. Now, I have to find time to go shopping for heels for Lori's wedding this August. I need them soon, because I need to go have the fitting for my dress - and without them, they wont let you come for the appointment - for obvious reasons. I had already been looking when I happened to pass a shoe store, and haven't found anything. But now, the real hunt begins. So, we'll see how this goes.. if not this week since it seems pretty booked up for me, I'll be shopping for them next week. Have I mentioned I'm not the dress up/wedding type of girl yet? .........

Anyway, it's Tuesday - no happier about that then I was about Monday. I'm tired this morning, woke up at least five times last night, having a hard time sleeping lately. Not speaking to Matt or Dan right now - though I'd rather not talk about either on here at the moment - just thought I'd share the core reason for my blah moods. I couldn't come up with anything to write yesterday that didn't involve a lot of negative, so I wrote nothing. Clearly, today, I've thrown that whole guideline out the window. Heh.

Nothing else is new really. Hopefully I'll be working some overtime this week, bringing in some extra cash for me. I'm going to try making a Quesadilla thing for dinner tonight, switch it up, I mean if I have the motivation when I get home I will be... otherwise, it will prolly be like a grilled cheese.. which I haven't had in awhile anyway.. so.. ~shrugs~ Alright, I'm going to get ready for the day now, hope you are all having a good day. Sorry for ditching you last night Suz, I just couldn't bring myself to sit here.. I suck, I know. Maybe we could try for tonight instead?


Food List:
WW Bread (2) -1pnt.
Peanut butter - 2pnts.
Jam - 1pnt.
ImpCafe Eggsalad sandwich (1/2) - 5pnts.
ImpCafe Yellow Split Pea Soup - 4pnts.
Turkey Quesadilla (3/4) - 9pnts.

22 / 28 pnts used.
0 / 3 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.


Michelle said...

sorry to hear things with you and Dan aren't great!
I was really rooting for you two. ;) Hopefully it will al work itself out.

Living to Feel Good said...

I hope everything works out. Send me an email if you want to talk!

That recipe is easy, it just takes awhile because after you put it together it bakes for 30mins. I dunno I thought it was okay, but David sure loved it. After I blogged he ate the rest going over 12pts. I thought it was blan (is that how you spell it?)

Okay drop me a note if you want to talk.


Living to Feel Good said...

I dropped you an email! Write me back chicka! :)

Askazombiehousewife said...

I am not big on shoe shopping either I just pick big clunky but girly shoes.
Shoes that I thought were ugly as a kid.