Friday, June 09, 2006

What's happening?

I'm not quite sure what's going on lately, but it seems that for some reason, stress is coming at me from every angle. Now, here's my theory - maybe, the universe is doing this to prepare me for when I move out in September? Ya think? It's bogging me down with it now so that come move-out time I'll be able to handle nearly anything? Dunno, but it's a theory.

It's Friday, and to all of you who feel the way I do in this moment and wish that instead of stepping into the shower and starting my day I could crawl back between the covers and hide from the world.... I feel for you, I do. Today is not a day I'm looking forward to, and all I can hope is that it's over as quickly as possible.

Good news though, I'm headed to Laura's cottage on Saturday - Sunday for a little social gathering. Laura, Mishy and Shelby are all going to be there. It will be our first gathering that isn't for just a dinner or something, ya know what I mean? Should be fun, I'm definately looking forward to it. I was talking to Mishy last night, about how it's SO out of our normal zone of things to do. I wont speak for Mish right now, but for me, if you haven't seen me mention it before.. I'm pretty anti-social. My weekends are generally spent alone, cleaning and then relaxing inside my house. I rarely go outside - unless there's something that needs to be done. (Lame, I know.) I also spend much time avoiding too much conversation on my free time, I like my space (part of why I'm excited to move out on my own) and often need some breathing room to just... do whatever the Hell it is I like to do on that day. Anyway, I need to get going, need to get ready for work and such - bleh. Hope you are all having a good day - anyone have any ideas for what I can have for dinner tonight? I'm still flat outta ideas - unless I do that Quesedillia thing again..... hrm.

7:30am Update:
I know this isn't really an update, but I just wanted to make a comment about the scale I have upstairs. I wasn't weighing myself at the beginning of all this, because I wanted to just watch my size drop and not worry about the pounds. But then, now that I'm a few months in, I didn't want to like.. hit a wall of not loosing weight when I would need to drop my pnts lower to continue because I had moved into a lower pnt bracket (know what I mean?) So a friend at work had a scale she wasn't using and said I could have it. Wicked b/c I didn't have one, and would have had to pay for a new one - the one she gave me is prolly better quality than I would have bought myself which is cool. Anyway, my pnt is, I have this never ending urge every time I'm in my room to step on it!! It's exactly what I didn't want to happen because I didn't want to get upset if my weight every went up a little or something, or if I wasn't loosing as fast as I wanted (you know?). So now I've resorted to stuffing it under a bunch of stuff in my closet and try not to look at it.. which doesn't work.. and every day I see it I have to tell myself I'll do it on such and such a day, not today, just to keep myself from using it constantly. Is there a name for this?! What's my problem.. do I want to be disappointed!? No. So what do I think is going to happen by stepping on that scale every day???! Stupid thing! Curses! Heh. Seriously though, does this happen to anyone else?

12:35pm Update:
Only have about five minutes to write a quick update on here. Just wanted to comment further on the scale thing: The reason I didn't weigh myself at the beginning of my journey of weight loss was because I've done that before. I've tried keeping track of things that way, and I didn't want to upset myself with the lack of progress pound wise and such (not that it always does or anything) and then fall off the wagon. In the past, clearly, things have not worked for me. So this time I decided to try doing things in a different way, my way. I'm more concerned with how I feel and look than what the scale is telling me - so therefore I decided to focus on the sizes of clothing I wear, and gauge my losses there. Seriously though, like mentioned in my comment section by my lovely readers - why am I obsessed with this urge to step on that damn thing every day? Sometimes more than once a day?!! Yuck. Anyway, I need to get back to work, hope everyone is enjoying the rainy day.


Food List:
WW Bread (2) - 1pnt.
Peanut Butter - 2pnts.
Jam - 1pnt.
Crispy Chicken from Harveys - 10pnts.
Tea from Tims - 1pnt.
Taco Chicken Wrap - 9pnts.

24 / 28 pnts used.
0 / 1 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.


M-M-M-Mishy said...

No, Becca, you can speak for me. Because that anti-social behaviour is pretty much how I like to live also. Just doing my own thing, not really interacting with people unless I feel like it. Space is the best thing in the world! But the cottage should be a rockin' good time! (Yeah, I just used the words "Rockin' good time... you wanna make something of it?)

In terms of the scale thing, I hear ya. Its the temptation of seeing if there is any progress. Years ago, I had a scale and I eventually had to get rid of the damned thing because it was driving me crazy. I guess the best thing is to try the whole outta sight, outta mind.

See ya tomorrow for our adventure up to cottage country!

Crystal said...

I step on the scale usually 2-3 times a day, I kid you not. However the numbers I see don't really bother me much, not even when the number has gone up a couple pounds. For me getting on the scale keeps me in check. That long period where I was off the wagon I rarely if ever got on the scale and BAM I gained 10lbs back ACK.

Crystal said...

Oh yeah and on the anti-social thing, I too am like you I enjoy being on my own and doing my own thing. That also might have to do with the fact that I don't make friends easily and really only have 1 HAHAHA I suck, I know :P

Jenny said...

Ugh, the neverending battle with the scale. I see it staring at me, daring me to stand on it and realize how much I suck!

Put it in the closet and only take it out one day a week then put it back. That's what I have to do!