Sunday, August 13, 2006

Blarg, it's Day #4 of the 30303 Challenge.

And I'm feeling unmotivated, and somewhat depressed today. Or, I guess I wouldn't go so far as to say depressed, just down. Tired, lazy, restless and kinda wishing I woulda made some plans solid for today instead of just wasting the day - oh well. I'll try to get my evening walk in tonight.. or whatever. Argh, I hate when I get like this - FIND SOME MOTIVATION, god. Tomorrow is work, another week, and then the wedding, finally I can stop worrying about it. I can't wait until the winter, I hope that by the winter time everything is much more clear, everything will be on its way of being done.. or worked on.. and I wont feel so confused and lost. Fingers crossed.


Food List:
All Bran Bar - 2pnts.
Crunchers - 1pnt.
Hamburger - 11pnts.
Small Iced Cap 2% Milk - 2pnts.
Ham Sandwich - 8pnts.

24 / 28 pnts used.
0 / 2 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.
22 Min Challenge Walk - Complete!

Daily Exercise Details:
30 Min Walk
Daily Total Workout - 30 Minutes.


Wendell said...

I'm with - maybe it has something to do with the alignment of the planets or something. Feeling blah and being a lazy bastard. Sundays are often like this. I hope we both feel better in the morning!

Wendell said...

(i'm with *you*, I meant to say)

Terri said...

I can relate to this as of today. I am in the same boat. I will also be pushing myself for an evening walk tonight as well.

Michelle said...

Sundays are always kind of blah for me too! always wishing I'd made plans so I don't end up bored.

Have a great day anyway hun xxx

Living to Feel Good said...

I felt like that last Saturday. I felt kinda depressed, but I wouldn't call it that I guess. I layed in bed the whole day and then about 8pm I was disgusted that I let myself do nothing the whole day and feel sorry for myself so to speak. Then I woke up the next day and I was fine. Some times we just have those days.

Good job getting your walk in babe!