Sunday, September 10, 2006

Two posts, can you believe it?!

Just another short one. To update my 101 Things in 1001 Days list.
"Learn how to cook something new that's fantastic and yummy" Well, I baked myself a Pear Pie yesterday, and I'm counting this. It wasn't hard - but it was what I consider baking and therefore - since I NEVER bake - I'm counting it!! There are plently of other things I've learned to cook since I made the list also - so I can throw them all in there also if you like. But Mm Mmm Mmmm that pie was tasty. #15 is OFF the list!

"Visit Lori at her new house." I did this a couple weekends ago, Mishy and I drove up to Cambridge, did some measuring of the condo and then went out for dinner with Lori and Lawrence. Showed Mishy Lori's very large, very pretty house. So this one is also off the list! #29 is complete!

I guess that's it folks. I would write more - but again, just don't feel like it. Doing fine with exercise and pnts. Though without writing pnts down each day I find it a bit harder to keep track. I'll try to come back, promise. I might be going out today to buy some lights for my condo - they were so pretty. So, we'll see. Have a good day.



Living to Feel Good said...

Pie looks delicious!! Post a pic of your new lights if you buy them! I'd love to see them. Have a good Sunday doll! :D

LivingMinimal said...

That pie does look good, and I'm not even a big fan of Pears! I had trouble tracking last week without my WW diary. I picked a new one up today though, so hopefully Ill stay solid through the next week!

Twisted Cinderella said...

I find writing the points down every day really helps me to keep track too. Those days that I don't write them down, I tend to lose track or go over by a little.

Anne said...

Mmm looks so yummy!
It is easy to go off without writing down pts,happens to me all the time. Can't wait to see the lights, when do you move?

M-M-M-Mishy said...

The lights are fab! Totally good choice.

Can you give me the pear receipe again? I forgot it. Duh.