Thursday, January 25, 2007

Just a little post?

Hey everyone.
No idea why I'm doing a post today - since I have nothing new to say really. Yesterday I met with my Mortgage guy and we signed some papers and chatted - so hopefully the Closing Date is not far off. I had a fairly good work day yesterday - minus the usual bullshit from co-workers. I surpassed my quota which rocked, it's hard to do but in the morning I was determined to make goal - so yay on me. I'm sucking horribly with the pnt counting and even staying OP. I haven't gained - thank god! But, I'm not loosing either, and I'd really like to loose. Anyone have any advice on how to get back on track? I mean well, and for a few days I even manage to do it.. and then along comes a day when I completely blow it. I don't feel as in control as I did this time last year - wish I would have known the secret back then that kept me motivated, but it remains a mystery.

Advice needed ladies and gents. I know you all have your own struggles, but if you have any ideas to share that would be fantastic!

Miss you all, I'll visit your Blogs (I do this anyway, I just don't have time to leave messages all the time.) as soon as I have a chance.

Becca ~

1 comment:

Askazombiehousewife said...

Just so your best. We all have mess ups.
I am getting back on track as well mine is more for healthy eating.
I decided more veggies and fruit in the cart, more yogurt and less junk.
I did get soy crisps due to there only be 3 servings in a bag.