Monday, January 01, 2007

Oh my . . .

It took me like six tries to log into my account here because it's been too long, do you think that's a pretty good indication that I've been completely slacking off? (That, or you can judge by the fact I haven't posted in over a month - meh.)

Alright, so, I decided to go for a walk today - right? I'm in the old part of the city, where there are store fronts and everything on the main street that's actually called "Main Street" since once upon a long time ago it was prolly the only real street of interest in this town.
Anyway, to the right of the street there are more small stores, a Farmers Market (Which I love) and other such things. To the left, is the more... "run down" part of town if you will. I mean, it's only a small section, but it's clearly older and not taken care of.
So, it's like Noon here and I thought why not go for a stroll today. Since it's daylight, I have no problem wandering through this part of town. Evening would be a completely different story, I wouldn't dream of going alone - not that I think someone will actually attack me or anything - it's just, why give them the chance? Ya know? So I'm walking along, headed home at this point and a blue car with some guy in his 30s pulls up beside me and says something. I glance over at him, smile and continue walking, he says 'Hello' or something. Honestly, it was hard to hear him.. but I wasn't about to move over to the car to hear better so I just responded with a 'Hi'. He asks me where I'm going. At this moment, the smile on my face is out of pure amusement. Why you may ask? I felt for a moment as if I was in some kinda school special where they tell you not to talk to strangers. Was he going to offer me candy next? Continuing to walk I reply with "I'm going home." I guess you're supposed to follow that up by saying it's like just up the road, five seconds away or something, but I didn't. Trying to keep conversation to a minimal. So he goes, 'Want a ride?' I swear to you, I thought, are you kidding? I wanted to stop walking, turn to him and ask him if he was serious - did he honestly believe I'd be like "Sure would!" and jump into his car for a ride home? So I laughed, shook my head and replied with a "No, thanks." I figure, this is enough, as I turn onto the next street to continue home.
However, he feels the need to try again? At this point now, as his car turns and follows me up the road (we're in a residential area) I think.. alright buddy, in five seconds it's not going to be so friendly a conversation. He drives past me a bit, asks me again if I"m sure I don't want a ride to which I reply, 'Oh, I'm sure.' and he smiles says something I didn't hear and drives off.
Now, I wasn't really worried at any point in time, mostly amused at the entire situation - but the sad part about the entire story is that I almost enjoyed being noticed... if it was because he expected me to jump into his car and give him a blow job or if it was because he wanted to kidnap me, either way - it's nice to be noticed. ~laughs~ Just when you never thought something like that would happen to you, looky looky, thank goodness he didn't have candy though, otherwise my choice mighta been harder! ~winks~
(P.S. Mishy, I totally found a place to pick up just your kinda guy! Hehehehe.)

Ok, on a different note, I've been doing alright with my weight. I haven't been loosing, but I've been maintaining with relative ease. (Which, is amazing for me.) I'd like to now get back on track and loose another 30lbs or so to begin with. I didn't reach the goal I wanted, since I had wanted to loose these 30lbs before my Bday on the 22nd, but oh well. It's a new year, and I'm about 60lbs lighter than I was a year ago today. So that's definately something to be proud of.

I'm going to get going now, but I'll definately try to visit peoples blogs in the near future, and I'll also try to update more often. I need to get back into the point counting in the near future as well. Ok, miss you all, huggles all around and I'll talk to you all soon!

Becca ~


Krista said...

I would have reacted the same way!

And 60 lbs in one year is an amazing accomplishment. Good for you! Good luck on the next 30 lbs!!

Crystal said...

Becca, it's nice to get a blog entry from you, was wondering where you got to.

My response to that guy probably would of been "fuck off" or something similar haha.

60lbs in one year is AMAZING, you rock chickie!! I hope to see more blog entries from you in the near future! Awesome job on maintaining as well...I find maintaining is just as hard as losing!

M-M-M-Mishy said...

You're hot stuff if you're getting hit on from complete strangers!!!

Nice to see you back, Chicka. I was getting worried that you had given up your blog forever! That would make me sad.

And big time congrats on the loss! You are way more motovated than me. I'm so lazy, my muscles are one step away from atrophy.

Living to Feel Good said...

Hey Stranger!
I'm so glad nothing happened to you. I would have been freaked that he would follow me home.

60lbs lighter is awesome. Nice to see you back. :)

LivingMinimal said...

BECCA!!! glad you're back and a-ok!! dont be a stranger :)