Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Not feelin the Wednesday vibe . . .

Morning everyone, how're you all doing?
I'm tired this morning, and really not feeling like going to work, working, or doing much of anything - I'm like a balloon that is slowly deflating lately... I need to somehow kick myself back into gear. However, I'm almost back to where I was weight wise before the long weekend - which means, if I hit the same weight tomorrow then I'm exactly where I was a week ago. In one way, I guess that's good. I always say it's better to maintain then gain. But common! I wanna loose the pounds.. not just sit at the same numbers for months at a time. (Not yet at least, if I was lets say 180ish or something like that I'd be filled with glee to maintain.)

I was reading this really cool book last night called "The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes" which I've owned (or rather my Mom has, and I totally swiped it when I moved out - thanks Mom!) for years and years now. Anyway, I was just curious as I read it if everyone knows their animal and if you wouldn't mind sharing which you are?? If you want, I could even quote a little section to you for your animal and we could see if it rings true. I have to say though, almost everyone I've ever shared the book with.. it's bang on, even mine, for the most part. ~winks~

Speaking of Horoscopes, here's mine for today from The Toronto Sun:
Keep a secret and you will spare yourself trouble with someone you really like. Keep a lid on any information that may link you to a negative happening. A personal change you made in the past may be questioned or an old habit may tempt you. 3 stars

I'm not sure what the secret is, but I'll do my best to keep my mouth shut today. The old habit I believe I've got covered.. It's gross, so I'm not trying to make you guys cringe or anything. But I'm one of those people who used to chew their nails.. like.. until they hurt. Well, guess what I did last night - yep.. that's right. I just couldn't stop myself.. and I've been doing so well for years now with not doing it. (I think I only fell off the wagon one or two other times in years.) So, again in my opinion, this reading it pretty close to what's going on in my life.

Anyway, I think that's about all for now.
I'm trying to talk myself into doing the WATP video - but the 2 Mile... send some confidence my way guys so I actually do it tonight... eepp...

Becca ~


Anne said...

*sending you vibes* You can do the workout tonight!!

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Geez, Becca. I hope your days start getting better than 3 star days. You need a few 5 stars in a row. Kick it up a notch, darlin'!

I don't know what my animal is... I don't think I do. I was born in the year of the boar (I say "boar" because it sounds better than "pig"). Is that what you mean?

Ok, totally excited about this weekend! Can't wait to see you, chicka!