Monday, April 17, 2006

Another day, another dollar.

No time to write at the moment really, I have about five minutes to quickly eat my Crustini before I go back to work - I totally burned my bottom lip with freakin hot cheese! owy.

Anyway, Mishy, Laura's Lent thing went alright, she said she ate a bit of chocolate on the weekend but had a headache so she didn't want to eat too much. No I haven't sold my car yet, kinda waiting until I decide on what kinda car I want (otherwise I couldn't get to work - darn.)

Dan, baby, sugar, Honey.. you're too cute. I kinda figured you'd say something like that. I'll have to remember to buy some whips and chains before we meet - keep you entertained. ~winks~ Anyway, I'll update more later, have to go. Be good everyone.

9:05pm Update:
It's been an.. well, to be honest, I just don't know what kind of day it's been. A Monday. Work was as expected - lets just leave it at that - home was... also, as expected. Uneventful, filled with wasted time and complete, total lack of creativity or motivation. I've done next to nothing since I got home. Had dinner, (pizza was fantastic btw) talked with my mother awhile and then did dishes only to end up laying around and cleaning up a few things here and there to fake myself into thinking I'd accomplished something. I should have been looking at car stuff, or making the list of the millions of things I need to buy. Something, working on my website even - but every time I think of doing something I'm too lazy to actually do it.

Katherine, from the condo peeps called me today, I'm supposed to call her tomorrow and make the appointment for the upgrades and such. I think I'll aim for May 5th, and if that doesn't work, then maybe when Dan comes to visit - we'll see. God, I need sleep or something. Ok, I give up. I'm going to go be lazy for a bit more while I watch Medium and then I'm going to bed. Have a good night everyone.


Food List:
Healthy Fudge stuff (seriously) - 2pnts.
Chocolate - 2pnt.
Crustini - 7pnts.
Pizza - 17pnts.
Turkey - 2pnts.
Mini Eggs - 1pnt.

28 / 28 pnts used.
2 / 2 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.


Crystal said...

Mmm pizza, I love it and had some for breakfast today :)

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Hey Bex,
Mmmm... Pizza. Sorry your day was so unfulfilling.

Medium was so good. Hope you like it!


Living to Feel Good said...

lazy...that's how I have felt all day. blah!

Anonymous said...

Sticks and stones may break my bones.. but whips and chains excite me. *Smirks*