Sunday, April 02, 2006

"I don't wanna be anything other than me.."

Goodmorning All! It's Sunday, already, and the weather seems a bit better. I'm in an odd mood today, sorta spunky, ready to do something.. and also just wanna hang around the house today. Not sure what my emotions are up to this morning, doesn't matter much, I'll figure stuff out as the day goes on. I kinda feel like jumping around like a loser, dancing to my music blaring or something.. hrm.. Thank god I got my cleaning done yesterday, cause the lack of motivation I'm feeling right now would be bad news if I had to do it this afternoon.

So, I was thinking potato pancakes today.
I'm not sure on the pnts yet, I guess I'd have to count as I went along.. it's just that they are so freakin messy, and you have to cook them in grease and stuff.. ~makes a face~ But I've been craving them for weeks now and have been worried about my pnts and not exactly, entirely, remembering how my Oma taught me to make them.. I just don't know what else to have today and that one thing has been callin my name. I mean, it's nearly 11am now.. if I do it as a sort of brunch thing and then eat a light dinner, I should be able to swing pnts. I wont like, go nuts with them like I used to and eat a whole pile myself. I'll make them smaller and actually only make enough for me (and maybe my sister if she wants some). I dunno, I'll let you guys know what I decide later I guess. Anyway, I'm going to go and dry my hair, get dressed and go for a walk while I think about this...

8:50pm Update:
So, no potato pancakes for me. I just couldn't bring myself to make them.. and for some reason I've been hungry all freaking day - no idea what my problem is. Maybe the lack of junk food is getting to me today and I just don't know it? I've been eyeing a bag of mini eggs in the freezer all week.. and tomorrow I think I'll have a few to knock any cravings I might be having out. (Hopefully) So yay! Made it through the 7 Day Challenge. I've also decided to hold off on the no bread for the week, since for the next two weekends I'm visiting my Oma and Opa and have NO idea what I'll be eating during that time. Don't want to cut out something that might be my best choice for a meal. Anyway, I should get going. Have a great night all.


Food List:
Potato - 3pnts.
Chicken Fingers - 7pnts.
OJ - 1pnt.
Butter - 1pnt.
Hot Dog - 3pnts.
Bun - 1pnt.
Toppings - 1pnt.
Orange - 1pnt.
1 1/2 Pitas - 3pnts.
Sauce and Cheese - 4pnts.
Soup - 3pnts.

28/28 pnts used.
0/1 Activity pnts used.
30 flex pnts left.


runny_yolk said...

Mmmm... potato panckaes...

Living to Feel Good said...

Did you make your potato pancakes? Wanna hear something wierd? I've never had them before!! People always talk about them, but I've never tried one. I think I may be an odd ball! ;) How was your walk?

digitalGoobie said...

My walk was alright.. the sun was shinning, and such, earned an activity pnt for the day.

My Oma taught me how to make them.. I haven't done it for awhile, and usually its this like huge batch that takes hours of cooking because you're making enough for lik 6+ people. So I was kinda worried about making it for just one.. not sure how much of everything and such, ya know?

They're really good, fattening, but good. I usually eat one with sugar, the next with salt, etc etc.

Living to Feel Good said...

Sounds like something I shouldn't try. I might get hooked and have cravings for 'em ;)

Congrats on finishing the 7 day challenge. That really is awesome!! I wish I would have done better with it. Oh well.


Michelle said...

I love potato pancakes too...good job on deciding not to make them. my kids wanted me to make home-made pizza on Saturday night and I decided not to...I know that I would have eaten some and there's no point waving a red flag at a bull!

Good job!

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Hey Becca,

Congrats on your 7 day challenge! Thats more will power than I have. Way to go!
