Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I'm just so tired..

I have no idea what my problem is, I'm tired. I can't seem to adjust to this hour loss for some reason. I think I need to just go to bed way early one night and try to figure it out. Again last night I went up to bed at 11pm, my usual time, and laid there until well after midnight.. unable to fall asleep. Then I wake up this morning and I feel like I haven't slept long enough and I have to drag my ass around and get ready. No idea what to take for lunch today.. I really need a day off I'm tellin ya. ~Yawns~

Anyway, have to go to see the Tax guy again today, hopefully I'll go to the right house this time. And hopefully, I'll be getting $$ back.. he didn't mention anything on the phone, which could be a bad sign. My mom tried to save the roast by putting it in the oven last night, I'm afraid to even try it - meat that's been sitting out for hours and then cooked freaks me out. Even if it's not chicken. Plus, it looks gross.. the outside is all burned and whatever. I'm just disappointed that it didn't turn out, I'll be over it soon. ~laughs~ Ok, I have to go get ready for work, god I wish today was Saturday.

12:07 Update:
Half way through the day.. almost.. and it seriously can't come fast enough.
I wanted to go to Quizno's for lunch, have been craving their food for about a week now.. and just as I made the decision to go out for lunch, I backed out and decided to stay in and eat my Crustini. This wouldn't be so bad, except for this morning when I opened the freezer door there was a Crustini sitting there not in a box. Since I saw an empty box on the counter last night I assume it was the Chicken Parm one and my mother just decided to make some room in the freezer and get rid of the box. So, figuring it'd be either my Chicken Parm or the Chick/Broc & Ched I decided to just take it since I like both. Well, apparently I was wrong. It was the Cheese, Turkey and Bacon one.. I hate that one! So now as I sit here, having just finished it, I'm completely grossed out and have an urge to eat something else, anything else, to get my mind off what I just finished eating. I know it's all in my mind.. but I can't help it! Blllllleeeeeeehhhh! So, I'm looking at a 2pnt small Coffee Crisp chocolate bar and thinking that I MUST eat it. What a waste of 2pnts.. ~whimpers~ Alright, I'm going to go... shoulda just went to stupid Quiznos.


Food List:
Egg - 2pnts.
Bread - 2pns.
Crustini (the yucky one!) - 7pnts. (I think?)
Tea - 1pnt.
Coffee Crisp - 2pnts.
Orange - 1pnt.
Pita Pizza - 8pnts.
Chocolate - 2pnts.

25/28 pnts used.
0/1 activity pnts used.
33 Flex pnts left.


FroneAmy said...

Whoa...was random blog surfing, stumbled on yours. Your first paragraph I could have sworn you stole from my head...that's me, every night and every morning since Sunday. At least we're not alone, eh?

Lori said...

Hey! I have been eading your blog for a few days now, and I too am having a rought time with this years "spring forward"! So bad in fact, I actually took today off! Just wanted to say that no indeed we are not alone! I am also a weight watcher, so some props there too. Have (or at least try!) a good day

digitalGoobie said...

Yeah, let me tell you, I honestly wanted to take today off.. the entire 40 minute drive into work, on the wet, ice covered roads from the snow we got last night (it's APRIL, no more snow please!!) I felt the urge to pull over, turn around and come home.

Yesterday was a bad day, today isn't looking to be much better.

Michelle said...

I have days like that..usually just before TOM..ugh

I am the same with meat...if Scott doesn't put the left overs in the fridge within an hour of having them out..I chuck it out..meat scares me!! I battled a form of salmonella for a year and it nearly killed i don't take chances.

Doing good with the fruit and veggie look like you're doing good too. And I agree, you should have gone to Quizno's...if you have the points, you may as well kill the craving.

Have a better day tomorrow hun..I'm sure you just need a good rest. xxx