Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Wednesday, almost there.

So, I baked some muffins tonight when I got home, hoping in some way the smell and such would comfort me.. maybe it has, it's just hard to tell. Sorry I took so long to write my update today, it's been a crazy busy day, no time at all today until now. I'm tired, drained from work and the stresses there, and really just want to crawl into bed and go to sleep. I think I went over my pnts today, haven't added everything up, but it doesn't look good. The muffins aren't bad, not sure how many pnts they are - I need to take a look at what I all put into them to decide. My dad seemed to enjoy them though, I only split one small one with my mom, since I new I was either right at the brink or gettin close to the end of my pnts for the day. It's been raining here all day, I haven't started the car search yet. I'll try to write more tomorrow. Thanks for all the messages you all left, you all rock, have I mentioned that lately?


Food List:
WW Bread (2) - 1pnt.
Honey Butter - 1pnt.
Crunchers - 2pnts.
Cookies - 5pnts.
Egg Salad sandwich (1/2) - 4pnts.
Turkey sandwich (1/2) - 4pnts.
Pasta Salad stuff - 4pnts.
Chicken in sauce - 4pnts.
Potato - 1pnt.
Broc - 0pnts.
1/2 Muffin - 3pnts (guessing)

28 / 28 pnts used.
1 / 1 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.


Crystal said...

What kind of muffins are they? They look really good, I wouldn't mind having one right now to go with the tea I'm having :)

digitalGoobie said...

Lemon ones, got them from the Milk calendar. I'll ship one express to it gets to you before you finish your tea. ~winks~

Michelle said...

rain can be depressing...
hope your stresses soon become a bad memory Becca!

Take care!!

Living to Feel Good said...

Hi Becca!
Thanks for the comments today. They made me smile. I wish we did live closer! I don't want to admit this, but you are one of my fav blog buddies, and I really would love it if we did live closer for the chit chat and walks. It would be nice. *sigh* oh is life.

Those muffins look perfect..and lemon! Oh my fav!! I had a bad food day today. I'm thinking about not blogging till Monday. I dunno yet.
Alrighty chicka!! I'll see you tomorrow.

Bella said...

Wow - they look delicious! My oven dies a slow death - so its microwave or nothing for me! dammit!

Bella said...

I mean died - not dies! ;-)