Monday, May 01, 2006

Monday, a new routine.

So................ this weekend for pnts sucked. I guess I just gave up or something. Honestly I don't know why I ate like I did.. I just.. did. BUT, today is a new day, a new week, and I fully intend on staying within pnts - although there is something in the back of my mind that says 'fuck it' when I say I'm going to stay on pnts.. but too bad. Cause that's the friggin plan and I'd really like to get back on track.

The wedding shower for Lori is over, whew, I survived. Again, not sure why I dislike showers, weddings, parties, etc so much.. but I just do. I hate getting dressed up at all, the thought of small talk drives me mental.. I dunno. It wasn't so bad really, her aunts and other relatives are all very nice - it's just not my scene I guess. Anyway, I have some pictures that I'll prolly post on my website later tonight - I was going to do it last night but I was so tired after being at the party for six hours and pretty much standing the entire time that around 9:30pm I just gave up and went to bed. (Just so you know, the idea behind the shower was a tea party - we were supposed to kinda dress up. I found some pearls, a bracelet, necklace and earrings. I also had a hat, which I'm not wearing in this piccy.)

Today is day #1 of my new work schedule - I'm working from 9am to 5pm, we'll see how that works out. Hopefully I'll like it, I can't imagine it will make that much of a difference except in the mornings. Like now, I have about 15 more minutes to type my Blog before I even have to get ready. Not leaving the house until around 8:15am, the time I used to arrive at work and be sitting at my desk already. Hopefully this works out well for me, gives me a bit more time to sleep in the morning, and allows me a bit of 'alone' time at the end of the day to finish up stuff without any interuptions. ~Shrugs~ Or maybe, I'll be really lonely and wish I had people to talk to.... doubtful, since I'm such a loner, but ya never know. Hehe.

Anyway, I'm going to head off here. Maybe go make myself something to eat for breakfast. Hm, now I could have a freshly made breakfast at home here... interesting thought.


Food List:
Egg - 2pnts.
WW Bread (2) - 1pnt.
Butter - 1pnt.
Crustini - 7pnts.
Healthy Fudge - 2pnts.
Crunchers - 2pnts.

Chocolate - 4pnts.
Potato - 4pnts.
Chicken - 4pnts.
Oil - 1pnt.
Tea - 1pnt.
Asparagus - 0pnts.
Butter - 1pnt.
Popcicle - 1pnt.

28 / 28 pnts used.
3 / 3 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.


Michelle said...

I'm a loner too Becca
which isn't easy with 3 kids ;)
but I have always enjoyed my alone time, gives me time to refocus.

Which one are you in the picture?

digitalGoobie said...

I'm on the far right, in the pink sweater.. heh.

Michelle said...

you are a loverly gurl!!!! cute stuff!

Anne said...

Looks like a fun time!

Living to Feel Good said...

Oh how I hate the small talk too!! You look very beautiful in your picture! Don't worry about the weekend (mine was bad too!!), and like you said today is a new day. So don't give up.


Living to Feel Good said...

PS. How did the wedding cake you create go over? I enjoyed the pictures. What a neat house! I love the teal trim on the windows. Whoevers place that's cute!

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Oh yeah! How did your towel cake work out? I liked the in progress pictures!

Crystal said...

I have to go to a wedding shower this weekend, I am so not looking forward to it!!