Tuesday, June 13, 2006

The scale whispers sweet nothings to me...

My urge for that scale is back, or still here, or whatever. I stepped on it again this morning, and can I just tell you... that pasta chicken meal I had yesterday... well.. not a good idea while you're dieting is all I'm saying. ~laughs~ So I'm going to go upstairs, shove that scale into the closet and stop looking at it because it's nearly impossible not to step on it when it's sitting right there! I've never had this problem before, no idea where it has come from now.

I'm feeling a bit better today, another early night for me last night. Think I went to bed around 9:30pm because I was still so tired - and slept pretty much the entire night through, no pains, no nothing. Which was nice, but this morning I still feel tired - which it starting to seriously grate my nerves because it means I have to force myself to go to work each and every morning... or maybe, the thought of work makes me tired because things aren't going so well there right now.. either way, I'm tired.

Any day now, I'm going to start accomplishing stuff again. I haven't bought shoes for the wedding yet, which also means I haven't had the fitting yet. (Lori is going to freak) I haven't been exercising properly, haven't been completeing anything off my Blog list of 101 Things to do in 1001 Days... I just need to refocus some things... which for me, is more difficult than it should be. Anyway, I need to go finish getting ready, hope you all have a good day - hear it's supposed to warm up a little bit, so that should make you summer lovers happy.

8:05pm Update:
Thanks everyone for your concern about my chest pains - I agree with you, I think they are totally stress related / panic attacks - whatever, but what's the doctor going to do for me? Give me some meds to make me what.. less stressed? I'm hard on myself when it comes to this type of thing, I feel like I need to get a grip, shape up kinda thing.. learn how to better deal with the stresses instead of letting them consume me like this. I don't know, or maybe I just have some hate for going to the doctors - I rarely, if ever go. (Which is strange, since I'm in Canada and it's not like it costs me anything) But if I feel like he can't help me.. I hate the thought of going. Either way though, I'm feeling better today. Some stress has seemed to lift a bit (though nothing has changed, I just feel a little better), I worked overtime tonight, managed to get 16 apps completed all day - which is pretty damn good I'd say. I went for a walk tonight after I had dinner, which was way yummy (still eating those damn wraps all the time) and then finished up dishes and now I'm here doing a quick update of my food and such before I either go to bed early (again, since there's more overtime tomorrow) or decide to watch TV or read my book I bought last night when I went out with Mishy.

I should also mention that my earlier plan of trying to get out more and such has been happening, slowly by surely. I've been out I think three times in the past three weeks with Mishy, went to the cottage this past weekend - and this coming one I'm going up to Oma and Opas for Fathers day. I'm counting Overtime as 'doing' something since it takes up an extra 2hrs each day I do it. (I so need that extra $$) And I went for a walk tonight with my mom, so I am trying to do stuff... I do need to try harder though, get more done, really push myself I guess. Either way, I really just wanted to say hi to everyone tonight, and to say thanks for 'worrying' cause it means uyou care. ~huggles to those who want em~

Oh, and just FYI, I've stepped on that damn thing twice more today!! No more! It's being shut in the closet the next trip I take to my bedroom... I don't know what voodoo has been placed on it, but I refuse to be sucked into watching that yoyo weight every day.


Food List:
Egg McMuffin - 6pnts.
Crustini - 7pnts.
Banana - 2pnts.
Crunchers (BBQ) - 1pnt.
BBQ Chicken Finger Wrap - 9pnts.

25 / 28 pnts used.
0 / 3 activity pnts used.
16 Flex pnts left.


Michelle said...

hey Goobie, I would consider stopping by the docs office and talking to him about the chest pains. It is likely nothing but it's better to be safe than sorry right?

Hope you keep feeling better x

Crystal said...

Hey Becca, those chocolate mint sticks I had on my menu are made by Hersheys. I believe they have them in dark chocolate, milk chocolate, carmel and mint...1 for 1pt or 2 for 3pts.

Living to Feel Good said...

What the doctor will do is make sure it's not something else more life threating Becca!! And they don't always make you take meds. My sister learned some ways to deal with her panic attacks. We both get them, but we get them for different reasons, and both of our panic attacks are different. It would just be good to make sure it's not something else. Don't want to sound like a mommy or anything but seriously girl!! I worry about you big time!!