Saturday, July 29, 2006

Just another Saturday.

So, I slept in this morning!!! Finally! I woke up several times during the night - which seems to be the norm for me now - but today when I woke up around 7am and laid back down in bed, I actually fell asleep until 9am! I couldn't believe it.. so exciting for me. Now it's 10:30am and I've done nothing but sit around and watch TV. ~laughs~ So, I'm going to start moving now, tidy up, have some breakfast and maybe go for a swim.

Nothing new to report on the weight loss front really, I managed to get my walk in last night with Mishy between the movies we rented (Shaun of the Dead and Seducing Dr.Lewis) so we could get up and stretch our legs and take a small break. Both movies were funny, and worth renting, btw. I plan on stepping on the scale on Monday morning, I said I'd check my weight at the end of each month - just to make sure that I'm still loosing - and honestly, not always checking the damn number takes some stress off me.. and in the past few days, I've been feeling a bit better about where I am, and where I still have to go. I want to enjoy each stage along the way, every day I look a tiny bit better - feel a little bit lighter, and I want to focus on that, and not what the scale shouts at me and then have my mind twist it into something negative, when every little bit adds up, and will make a difference.

Ok, I need to get my butt moving here, everyone enjoy your Saturdays and make sure you put on lots of sunscreen if you're outside and drink lots because it's supposed to be 41 with the humidity!!

9:10pm Update:
Today has ended up being a pretty lazy day. I went swimming for about 15 minutes, before the rain clouds rolled in and I headed home before I got caught in the thunder storm. We had about three of them today, all of which lasted about 20min each. It's strange weather I tell ya. I also managed to get my 16 minutes of walking in.. and that's about it. I've finished up some paper work, and organization. Some cleaning, and cooking up my meals for the day. Otherwise, nada else was completed. I did manage to make my first posts on Crystal's WW Forum, I've been meaning to do that for a few days now.. so that's good. Anyway, I guess that's all I have to say for now. Time for me to return to doing.. nothing.. heh.


Food List:
Scrambled Egg Pesto - 2pnts.
WW Bread (2) - 1pnt.
Butter - 1pnt.
Cheese - 2pnts.
Chicken Fingers - 5pnts.
BBQ sauce - 1pnt.
Broc - 0pnts.
Butter - 1pnt.
Rosemary Potatoes - 3pnts.
Iced Cap Hazel 2% Reg - 5pnts.
Pesto Pizza Tortilla - 6pnts.

27 / 28 pnts used.
0 / 2 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.
16 Min Walking Challenge - Complete!

1 comment:

Living to Feel Good said...

Love the new pic girl!
Didn't you just love Shaun of the Dead? I swear it's on here at least 3 times a week. My husband is a HUGE fan of the movie.

Glad you got some extra sleep, and good job with the exercise!