Sunday, July 30, 2006

No touchy da Flex Pnts!

I've almost made it an entire week without using even one Flex pnt and I can't tell you how proud of myself I am! Yay me. So I just have to make it through today without using any and I'll be fine. Hopefully it will be easy, fingers crossed. I'm a bit nervous about stepping on the scale tomorrow, I want to see results, and if I don't see them.. I guess I just don't want to be disappointed, ya know?

5:10pm Update:
So.... not sure what to have for dinner. I was thinking chicken fingers, but I just had that last night.. I guess I'll think about it. Maybe I'll mix up a salad and have chicken fingers with that. Honestly, it's hard to come up with meals every day! I alway start thinking about what I'm going to have early in the day, hoping to come up with something as the day goes on. But it's just difficult. I guess I have to spend more time cooking, which is prolly the problem. Often times I want something quick, no more than half an hour to make. But I still want it to taste good, and idealy have some veggies or something involved. I guess I'll just wait and see what I come up with.

Today as been pretty quiet. I went for a 35 minute walk this morning, taking a route I haven't taken yet. Some of it was up hill, and that definately made a difference in the type of walk it was. It was good, and then I cleaned up a bit at home here this afternoon. The downstairs needed it, badly. Laundry is done, and now I'm just trying to figure out dinner. I would have gone swimming, except today the temp outside seemed cooler than it has been the past few days, and the clouds keep rolling in - but no rain yet. So I decided not to bother today, maybe Monday or something. I think I have dinner out this week? Tuesday or Thursday or something like that.. I can't remember the day we planned, I should prolly confirm that.


Food List:
Mashed Potatoes with Onion - 6pnts.
Hamburger - 11pnts.
Yogurt - 2pnts.
Chicken Fingers - 5pnts.
HUGE Mixed Salad with Tortilla - 5pnts.

28 / 28 pnts used.
1 / 3 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.
16 Min Challenge Walk - Complete!


Michelle said...

Good job Becca!!
That is quite an achievement.

No worries on laughing at my story. I am on the inside of the story and it make me laugh when I read it over, i am overly aware that they are off their rockers ;)

Good luck at weigh in ;)

Living to Feel Good said...

Good luck tomorrow! And awesome job on not using the flex points. WahOOooooooOOOoo!

Askazombiehousewife said...

Good Luck. I am cheering you on.

I am not using flex points today if I can help it. I want to save them for date night with huby and for maybe saterday.

digitalGoobie said...

Thanks for all your support everyone, and Anne, thanks for saying you like my new piccy - it's a couple months old.. but the most recent one I have of myself.

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Hey you,

First, congrats on your walking and your flex points. If you ever want a walking partner, just call.

Second, have you heard the latest Rockstar gossip? Stupid Phil. Go here to watch what was cut from the last elimination:

Can you believe it???

Talk to you soon, chicka.


digitalGoobie said...

OMG Mishy!
I was so glad that Phil was gone to begin with, but that's WICKED that he's gone now. What a jerk. I mean, he HAD to know they'd find out, didn't they? Jerk.

Thanks for sharing the Video!

And I just might take you up on the walking offer!

Living to Feel Good said...

MISHY thanks for posting that link. HAHA I love that Phil screwed himself!! MUHahahaha!

Krista said...

Try a cookbook called the Big Book of 30 minute dinners. Good food. Quick and easy to make.