Monday, July 03, 2006

No no, I have not disappeared!

I'm back, returned from going 'Up Home' and the much socalizing with relatives and such. It all went pretty well, guilt was thrown around - lots of laughs, good food, some irritations (but when doesn't that happen with family around?) but all in all it was a very good and tiring weekend. I'm home now, and very glad to be. (As I usually am.)

Finished reading 'The Devil wears Prada' and am ready to see the movie now. It was pretty good, funny, half way through though I did reconsider continuing to read as it reminded me of my level of complaining of my job from time to time. (Alright, always. Heh.) But, once I was that far into the book since it's humor had snagged me at the beginning I just HAD to know how it would end.. as if by some strange connection the ending would give me some strange hope for the road that lays ahead for me in my current position in the working force. Anyway, I'm very glad I finished it, and can't wait to see the movie. Should be funny as Hell. I'll let you know. Now I have 3 books left from the little spree at the Chapters in town. All three are Vampire novels, so, we'll see what they are like. (aka, not holding my breath that they wont suck) Originally I wanted to get the like.. 13th book in a series I've read.. but the bookstore didn't have it in stock (suckage) but I'll get it on the next trip Mishy and I make.

Food was bad this weekend, that's all I can say really. I used up all my Flex pnts easy - although I wasn't really keeping track. Potatoes, chicken and burgers of the BBQ, salads that were definately not low fat and homemake cherry cheese cake. Oh well, it was really only one horrible day of eating. I'll survive. Back on track for this week, hopefully. (I did alright all week, honest, it was only that one day of slip ups! Grr, I know it cost me my entire loss for the week though prolly, drat.)

Anyway, I'm going to go relax for a bit, hope you all had a great long weekend!


1 comment:

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Haha... Your vampire books are going to suck. Get it? Suck?
