Saturday, August 12, 2006

I normally don't do these things...

Ok, so I normally don't do like chain playing games and such, but I've been tagged now, not only once but TWICE. (Pshaw, thanks FB and TC.) So apparently the rules are that I have to list five odd/strange/facts whatever about myself and then go ahead and tag five people of my choosing. Muhahaha. So, lets see if I can come up with five strange whatevers to tell...

1) I'm anal, I love lists, and therefore - love Excel. I often find myself keeping lists of items, like when I used to put every item from my Visa card onto a spread sheet, group them, add totals, just to see where all my money was going. This went on for awhile before it became too much work and took up too much time. I miss it. ~laughs~

2) I've been in love with the same Boy for at least ten years, he lives in the U.S. and I live here in Canada. I've waited to get over it, to grow out of it, and yet... and yet.... heh.

3) Sometimes I feel a little like a mutant. I knocked out my front teeth when I was small by smashing my face off the coffee table, and therefore, had speech problems growing up. I spent much of grade school in a class learning how to say the 'S' sound. When I wasn't there, I was held back in my spelling classes because I couldn't spell worth a damn because my grade 2 teacher didn't think it was important to teach me how to spell, or write... or anything. (Something about not wanting to ruin my creativity.. thanks.) I had horrible acne, had to go to some doctor for it. Braces for 2 1/2 years complete with headgear AND lip-bumper. A wart that lasted for a couple years even with professional freezing treatments that when I quit, the wart disappeared all on its own. AND, drum roll, I've been overweight for as long as I can possibly remember.

4) I used to bite my nails, it was a horrible habit and then one day, about 3 years ago - I just stopped. I just decided enough was enough and suddenly stopped. I think that was the first clue that I could change things.. for myself I mean. If I could change that, beat that impulse.. then I could lose weight, couldn't I?

5) Whew, is four horrible tale of me not enough? Fine, last one. I act really tough, I like people to think I'm tough.. and I am sometimes. I have high expectations for people, and even more so for myself. But I can be emotional, and I can be sensitive - and when people read me wrong, and think I don't ever feel these things because they think I'm some kinda heartless robot - it bothers me. Yet, I'd rather have them think that, then think I'm weak. Funny, no?

Ok, so now I have to Tag People (sorry!):
Mishy (Payback for the 101 List!)


M-M-M-Mishy said...

Seriously? God damn. I knew that list would come back to bite me.

Alright, can I post them here or do I have to do them on my blog?

Living to Feel Good said...

Sorry chica..I too was tagged by FB, but you can still go see my responses. # 1 is totally embarrassing for me!

M-M-M-Mishy said...

Mine is posted on my blog. So the spa was good?

Terri said...

I am new. visiting. Give thinks to FB for the whole weird/odd/strange/5 fact things (not in that complete order) directed me over here. I just like to read what people put down about themselves, plus it is funny how when something like this gets started , some pretty interesting things can come out of it.

Anyways, I read through your site and so far. I sure can relate to some of it.