Thursday, August 03, 2006

Stupid computer.. ~smacks~

Last night, as I was sitting down to watch RockStar, a storm blew in. Like, a crazy ass thunderstorm and when we ran outside for a second to see the clouds were swirling - it was wicked-cool. Of course, it knocked out the StarChoice and I missed almost all of RockStar and was confined to the house for my 19 minutes of walking!!! That was uh, interesting. I did it though - timed myself and everything. Felt like a dork, but oh well. Anyway, I caught who got kicked off RockStar and that's it - WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?! How did Dana get kicked off?! Were none of the people I dislike in the bottom three?! Josh, Patrice, Toby? Kick them off! Curses. Anyway, I need to get going.. things to do this morning. I think the weather has finally cooled off outside today after that storm - WHEW. Oh, and Matt - if you're reading this.. my screen is all fucked up, HELP!

12:15pm Update:
Holly cow it's sticky hot AGAIN outside! Damnit. Fucking weather - I HATE SUMMER. I want it to be the Fall like, ASAP. Anyway, now that my rant is over - I still don't understand why the band picked Dana over Patrice and Jill. I hate watching either of those women preform. Patrice makes me want to turn the channel, and Jill, well, if I was a guy at a strip bar I'd be cheerin her on. I don't get why they voted her out over them - anyone see it have any idea?

Today has been a nuts day! This morning the hydro was out here for 2hrs, so we stood around until 10am doing nothing. Then by 10:30am the systems finally were online and we could start work. A tense moment with the boss, and the day began. Shortly after, a co-worker got a call from her sister that her Mother had been in an accident - so off she ran. She just got back now, her Mother and the other driver are ok, scrapped up, bruised, but ok for the most part. I'm telling you, it seriously needs to be Friday.


Food List:
Egg Salad Sandwich - 4pnts.
Chicken Salad Sandwich - 8pnts.
Tims Tea - 1pnt.
Crunchers - 2pnts.
1/2 All Bran Bar - 1pnt.
Grilled Cheese with Apple - 8pnts.
Apple - 1pnt.

25 / 28 pnts used.
0 / 3 activity pnts used.
31 Flex pnts left.
19 Min Challenge Walk - Complete!


M-M-M-Mishy said...

The same thing happened to me! I missed it all, except Dana leaving! What? Why her? Uh, there's Jill, Zayra (I know you like her Becca, but she's terrible!), Toby, Josh and Patrice that all suck more than her!

So that storm was something crazy, no? All of my clothes are wet because I was in the middle of doing laundry, I woke up late because no power = no alarm, I had to have a cold shower because no hot water, and I couldn't blow dry my hair. Plus it was so hot last night I didn't sleep well. Ugh. Its going to be a long day. I even broke down and got a large coffee, which is bad because I've weened myself off of coffee for months now.

When did you get power back? Ours went out at 9pm last night and only came back this morning at 8:45.

Askazombiehousewife said...

I am so sorry you missed most of your show.
My power went out yesterday just shortly but I was wanting to use the net :-)

Crystal said...

I'm very dissapointed in who got voted off Rockstar, if anything Jill or Patrice should of went before Dana. Hell Lukas should of been in the bottom 3 instead of Dana!

Living to Feel Good said...

Here's my two cents:

Jill and Patice (as much I as I dislike both) change it up a little every song. I think Dana has sung the same the last 3 songs. I didn't care she left. I personally thought she was boring. I was getting sick of the "now I am an angry rocker" thing she did. She went from sweet to angry rocker, and to be honest...I don't think she looks like a rocker either. She looks like someone trying to look like a rocker. She doesn't fit with the band, so I'm not upset over it. I thought her tat was lame too. She's a nice girl, but she doesn't cut it.

digitalGoobie said...

Yeah, it wasn't that I thought she was fantastic or anything, i just think that Patrice and Jill both stink! I don't want to see them anymore, I don't want to watch them TRY to do a song. I think staying would have benefitted Dana far more - at least she's trying to learn.