Friday, September 22, 2006

Ok, Here's the Plan.

So, last night I got myself motivated enough to come up with a plan of action for condo stuff and other stuff in general. I made a list, each page has the date on it, and for each day, I've assigned myself tasks to complete - that way, I wont forget anything, and hopefully everything will be completed in time. Today's list is longer than most of the others - it was also a way to keep me focused on certain tasks instead of freaking out about the millions of things that need to be done. Honestly, I can't wait for the move - and I'm excited to be out on my own, but lets just do it already.. this freaking out about the lead up to it is painful. ~laughs~

Anyway, nothing is new really. I friggin missed The Office last night because apparently they moved it to 8pm - you know, the same time friggin Greys and Survivor is on, bleh. Pissed me off when I was frantically looking for it and Mishy informed me it was already on. Boo. Oh well, I guess I'll just catch it next week - Hell, once I move if I'm not getting cable I'll not be able to watch any of my shows... so I guess it doesn't matter.

I suppose that's all I have to say for now, hope everyone has a good day. It's still very early here, so I'm not sure what the weather will be like today - here's hopin cool and sunny! ~fingers crossed~ I so need to go buy new Fall/Winter clothing.


Food List:
Veggie Crackers - 2pnts.
Tea - 1pnt.
Crackers and Cream Cheese - 3pnts.
Peanut butter and Toast - 3pnts.

9 / 26 pnts used.
0 /0 activity pnts used.
35 Flex pnts left.

Daily Exercise Details:
10 Min Walk (First Break)
Total Workout: 10 Minutes.


Crystal said...

Oi just make sure you have bunny ears for when you move, that way if you dont have cable you'll still be able to get the basic channels that have shows like House, Grey's Anatomy, Survivor, The Biggest Loser, ect :P

Tis what I do!!

Twisted Cinderella said...

I make lists of things to accomplish whenever I have anything big going on. it is a great way to keep track of things and to keep motivated to get everything done.

M-M-M-Mishy said...

I would get nothing done without lists.