Sunday, March 25, 2007

A new title?

Hey everyone, so, I'm still thinking about starting a new blog, and I'm gunna need a new title. My nickname 'Goobie' just isn't going to work for me anymore - for many reasons, which perhaps I'll get into at a later date - but not today.

I have no idea how I'm doing with my weight this weekend, prolly not well since I went to a Thai place yesterday afternoon, The Swiss last night and today for lunch we're going out for my Dad's Bday next week incase I don't see him. I guess I should run around the block or something to help things move along - but who has that kinda motivation layin around? Heh.

I would like to report that my Mom and Sister both agree that my curernt one pair of jeans I own should not be worn since they look like I have 'Elephant skin ass" meaning of course that the ass of my pants gets all baggy and hangs there.... apparently like elephant skin? So, my sister donated a pair of jeans that no longer fits her that's two sizes smaller - and granted, they are a bit snug for my liking, but I wore them all day without dying. So yay. I also managed to wear my red boots, that have heels, for the entire day - and trust me, it was a very busy day! So, that rocked, I'm hopfully on the path that will let me be comfy wearing heels all the time and I can start classing up my look a bit. ~winks~ I still need to go shopping badly, nothing fits, including my bra which REALLY needs to be replaced... agh, I hate bra shopping. It's just so.... I dunno, I always need help because I never know what I'm doing.

And finally, I'd like to say thanks to Mishy for hanging out last night with me - I so needed to get the hell out and just do whatever and it was fun (even if I was a bit of a downer). I can't wait for her to come up to my condo to visit and maybe we'll be adventurous and hit a bar or something? ~Laughs~ The movie we saw last night sucks - actually, it sucks more and more the longer I think about it. But it was still nice to go see a show, instead of sitting at home, dwelling on things alone. Ya know? So, thanks Mishy and I hope to see you again soon - yay for better weather!

I'm outtie,
Becca ~

1 comment:

M-M-M-Mishy said...

I have no idea as to a new blog title. Hell, mine's called "Movie Reviews By Me." and I don't remember the last review I did.

I had a blast hanging out! Yeah, the movie sucked, but it was nice to get out and hang out. I'm excited for our hang-out weekend we have planned!